Wednesday, June 1, 2005

BPAC Charter

§ 12-3. Appointment and membership.
The Mayor, with the approval of the Common Council, shall appoint a Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Council to be composed of 11 voting members who are interested in finding cooperative solutions for the problems facing cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities. At least five members shall be active bicyclists, and at least four members shall be active pedestrians. One member shall be a member of the Disability Advisory Council. The eleventh member shall be a member of the Board of Public Works. There shall be four nonvoting members, consisting of the Traffic Engineer and one representative of each of the following: Common Council, the Parks Commission and the Planning and Development Board.

§ 12-5. Duties.
The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Council shall be charged with the following:

A. To regularly review ongoing and upcoming city projects and advise the Board of Public Works, Common Council, the Planning and Development Board, the Parks Commission, and other appropriate city bodies on bicycle and pedestrian issues, including issues faced by people with disabilities, to ensure that all city projects accommodate and encourage safe and legal travel by bicycles, pedestrians and people with disabilities.

B. To advocate for implementation of city plans for bicycle travel, pedestrian travel, travel by people with disabilities, and traffic calming.

C. To make and advocate for other recommendations regarding cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities.

D. To make quarterly reports to Common Council about how recent transportation projects affect cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities.

§ 12-4. Terms of office.
Terms of office for the Bicycle Advisory Council shall be three years, except that of the initial appointments, three shall expire on December 31, 1998, four on December 31, 1999, and four on December 31, 2000.

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